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[contact-form-7 404 "Ni najden"]Ste pripravljeni na naslednji korak ali pa si samo želite raziskati trenutno stanje na trgu ter izvedeti katere primerne priložnosti so trenutno na voljo?
Naš direkten vpogled na trg, informacije iz prve roke in edinstveni viri bodo dobra osnova za dostop do priložnosti, ne glede na to za katero poklicno področje ali industrijo se navdušujete. Po želji vas bomo direktno povezali tudi s podjetji, s katerimi bi si želeli stopiti v stik. Direktno nam lahko posredujete svoje informacije ter življenjepis ter dogovorili se bomo za kratek telefonski klic.
The experience I had while working with Sara Lednik was a real refreshment when looking for a suitable job as a Project Manager. In addition to a suitable job she connected me with in an advanced international IT company, she paid a lot of attention also to matching the personality fit with the future employer. It was a complete package that you look for in a headhunter, I highly recommend.
I would really recommend ms. Sara Lednik because she is professional and she is really trying to find the best possible match for both the employer and the employee.
The experience I had while working with Sara Lednik was a real refreshment when looking for a suitable job as a Project Manager. In addition to a suitable job she connected me with in an advanced international IT company, she paid a lot of attention also to matching the personality fit with the future employer. It was a complete package that you look for in a headhunter, I highly recommend.
The experience I had while working with Sara Lednik was a real refreshment when looking for a suitable job as a Project Manager. In addition to a suitable job she connected me with in an advanced international IT company, she paid a lot of attention also to matching the personality fit with the future employer. It was a complete package that you look for in a headhunter, I highly recommend.